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Frequently Asked Questions


Do you accept Insurance?

No. We do not accept any form of insurance for our services. However, some of the labs that the doctor orders may be covered under your insurance plan.

Why don't you accept Insurance?

Many people who have contacted our office for our services have asked us why we do not bill insurance directly, when other providers do. We full understand the financial challenge this presents to some patients and we wish there were a way for us to bill your insurance company. Unfortunately, at this time, there is not. Here is why:

When clinics bill health insurance companies directly, the doctors are required to become participating providers. The doctors must sign a contract that allows the insurance company to determine which services they will and will not provide, and how much they can charge for those services. They are heavily invested in the conventional model of health care that too often relies on drugs and surgery. We are committed to the functional medicine model that addresses the underlying causes of your symptoms with specific nutritional and lifestyle recommendations.

Still Have Questions?

Call our office at (810) 230-5500 to ask us any questions.

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